The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers is committed to making a difference in the lives of researchers who are committed to making a difference in the lives of patients with brain disease which is why we’ve partnered with the American Brain Foundation to support a 2019 Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Multiple Sclerosis. We want you to be among the first to know that we are now accepting applications for the 2019 AAN Research Program and hope you consider applying for our award, or one of the many other available opportunities for all types of research across all career levels and discovery stages—or pass this email along to anyone who you think might be interested!
Please visit this link for more information.
August 8 Application Deadline for pre-application and August 15, 2018, for full application:
Clinician Scientist Development Award in Multiple Sclerosis
Funded by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the American Brain Foundation
October 1 Application Deadline for all materials including mentor and reference letters of support Career Development Award:
Funded by the American Academy of Neurology
Clinical Research Training Scholarship
Funded by the American Academy of Neurology
Neuroscience Research Training Scholarship
Funded by the American Academy of Neurology
Practice Research Training Scholarship
Funded by the American Academy of Neurology
Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Parkinson’s Disease
Funded by the Parkinson’s Foundation and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Parkinson’s Disease
Funded by the Parkinson’s Foundation and American Brain Foundation
In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology Supported in part by a grant from AbbVie
Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Multiple Sclerosis
Funded by the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, Biogen, and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
McKnight Clinical Translational Research Scholarship in Cognitive Aging and Age-Related Memory Loss
Funded by the McKnight Brain Research Foundation through the American Brain Foundation, and the American Academy of Neurology
Clinician Scientist Development Award in Myasthenia Gravis
Funded by the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
Susan S. Spencer Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Epilepsy
Funded by the American Epilepsy Society, Epilepsy Foundation, and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
Robert W. Katzman, MD, Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research
Funded by the Alzheimer’s Association and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Muscular Dystrophy
Funded by the Muscular Dystrophy Association and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Headache
Funded by the International Headache Society and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
Clinical Research Training Scholarship in ALS
Funded by The ALS Association and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
Richard Olney Clinician Scientist Development Award in ALS
Funded by The ALS Association and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
Clinician Scientist Development Award in Interventional Neurology
Funded by the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Tourette Syndrome
Funded by the Tourette Association of America and American Brain Foundation In collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology