Building the Future
of MS

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Fellowship Programs
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Fellowship Programs

List your Fellowship Program with us.  In order to improve the search for fellowship programs for our young neurologists, MS-PiT is building a national fellowship database website that will serve as a central resource for applicants. 

Learn About our MS-PiT Team

Meet our Fellows

Brian Lewis

Founding Partner

Chas R. Walker


Christy Mullen


360 Legal Solutions

Quick Links

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MS-PiT Newsletter


MS-PiT Discussion Room


Building the Future of MS Care

Our Mission

The MS Professionals-In-Training Special Interest Group (MS-PiT SIG) will seek to develop an international network of multidisciplinary professionals-in-training to encourage interest in the treatment and research of multiple sclerosis and to increase the number of healthcare professionals providing care to people living with multiple sclerosis.

three steps to success

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

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learning about all your legal issues

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Pair you up with the Perfect Attorney

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Fight For You
in Court

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What People Say About Us

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You Deserve One Of Our Best Lawyers

with 35 years of law experience