University of Chicago

Institution/Department Address (with email/phone/fax): Neurology MC-2030    5841 S Maryland Ave Chicago, IL 60637     Fax 773-702-9076

Primary contact for training information (name, address, fax (if different than above) and email): Anthony T Reder, MD

Brief information on program: I am addressing the MS fellowships, and not the residency program internationally-known group of MS specialists, MDs, nurses, and PHDd treating and researching MS and neuroimmune disease.
5-y training grant award from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, NMSS MS Comprehensive Care Center.
Fellowships for 1, 2 or 3 years. Designed around the candidates’ interests. Masters in Health Science/Clinical Trials available.

Types of training programs: Fellowship

How many fellows/residents per year: 1-2

Area/s of Training: Multiple Sclerosis; Neuroimmunology

What aspects: Demyelinating diseases (MS, NMO, Etc.); Neuro-rheumatology; Paraneoplastic; Encephalitis; Peripheral Neuroimmunology; Vasculitis

Fellowship program structure: Clinical; Research-based

Percentages of clinical and research-based components: N/a

Is On-call duty and/or general clinic participation required?: No

Additional Training: Required/Offered? Pathology; Neuro-ophthalmology; Neuro-urology; Neuro-radiology; Electrophysiology; Neuro-rehabilitation

Visa sponsorship? No

Approved by Institution’s ACGME office?: Yes

Is independent funding required for Fellows?:  Yes/No

Additional information: None